Religious Formation Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteers are always needed for Catechists, Catechist Assistants, Hall Monitors and Substitutes. Discounts offered for volunteers with children in the program.
Volunteer Opportunities:
The primary goal of a catechist is to model God’s love to others. As a result, the primary requisite of a catechist is a love for God and a love for children. A catechist is provided weekly lessons by the Parish Catechetical Leader and uses that plan to teach in the classroom. The catechist passes on to students a set of shared meanings and values that are Catholic and Christian. A catechist also initiates others into the faith community, into its life, its worship, symbols and practices.
To serve as a catechist, one only needs to have a passion to share their faith and appropriate formation.
Catechist Assistant:
The Catechist Assistant provides support to the Catechist. This may include helping with the lesson, assisting students with an activity, or bringing students to the bathroom.
Catechist Assistants may be an adult or any student who has already been Confirmed.
Thinking about volunteering, but you're not sure if you can commit to teaching every week. We are always looking for substitutes to call upon when a Catechist is out. If you are interested in helping out on an as needed basis, please reach out to put your name on our substitute list.
Hall Monitor:
The hall monitor assists the Parish Catechetical Leader in overseeing and monitoring if any students leave the classroom during class time or any students are picked up early. This is a great volunteer opportunity if you want to stay at St Luke during your child's class but aren't ready to volunteer in the classroom.
*All volunteers must first complete Virtus (Safe Environments) Training required by the Diocese of Bridgeport. Training is online. More information will be provided upon signing up.
Considering Volunteering?
Do you have a love of God and your Faith? Do you feel passionately about our next generation growing up in the Faith? Do you have a child in the program and want to grow in your Faith together?
If you've answered YES to any of these questions, then volunteering is for you. We are always looking for more volunteers whether you have children in the program or not. Religious Formation and carrying on the Word of God is a vital ministry at St Luke.
If you are interested in volunteering please reach out for more information. If you have a friend and want to teach together or alternate weeks, let us know. Previous teaching background is not required and you do not need to be an expert in the faith. Teaching materials and training are provided.

For more information or to volunteer contact:
Jessica Purcell
Parish Catechetical Leader